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Please excuse the Lack of posting….

Sorry for the lack of posting the past while..  It’s been crazy with Christmas, New years, moving back to school.  Anyway, I’m back at school, basically settled in– so I thought it would be a perfect time for a new blog.  Today I was sitting at my desk thinking of things to do (because at this point I was basically one of a select few people here) and I thought about all the things that I’d like the accomplish this year.  Heres a list of all the things I’ve come up with so far.. More things to be added as I go I’m sure.


1. Read a book a month.  It doesn’t seem like a lot for me to accomplish now, but I know as soon as school starts to kick up its going to be a lot more difficult for me to read.   I love my Kindle and I plan on getting the most of out it! I’m sure at some point I’ll get a “Book of the month” tab up so you all (Nikki) can see what I’m reading.

2. Race!  This year, in addition to completing the Pittsburgh Marathon Relay.. I’d really like to do the triathlon I’ve been wanting to do as well as a half marathon.  Those are my major goals for races.  Last year I had to postpone my triathlon hopes because of a bummed knee– but I swear to you, I’m going to do it this year.  (has to be the North Park tri because I’m terrified of swimming in open water– I know, stupid right.. I’m a lifeguard of 7 years!?)

3. Grades:  This is more of a private thing for me, but this semester I will be trying my VERY hardest in hopes of getting the highest QPA’s in my College history.

4. Weight: By the end of the semester, May 7th I believe– I would like to have lost 25 Lbs. Thats 5 lbs per month.  This is a minimum.  If I can lose more– More power to me but I will not be unhealthy about how the weight is coming off.  This is simply eating the foods my body needs to fuel itself properly.

Now I know this list is only 4 things.  I may add to it but i def. wont subtract.  (I’m having a hard time thinking of anything else because I have the WORST headache ever.  More to add later!


Categories: Uncategorized
  1. AntosDoesLife
    January 4, 2011 at 8:45 pm

    I like the book a month thing…that’s a great idea. I might just have to join in on that one!

    P.S. I will be making you a running schedule so that you can control your knee and not get hurt.

    • January 4, 2011 at 8:53 pm

      Do the book thing! Well actually who am I kidding you read a book like every 10 days. I might buy the first twilight and get into that… maybe.. .. don’t get to gitty. And send that schedule my way woman! I was just going to text you that!

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